Intro to UFOs
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Experimental Projects

Northrop YB-49
1947 Northrop YB-49
Avro Canada VZ-9 Avrocar
1959 Avro Canada VZ-9 Avrocar
Lenticular Reentry Vehicle (LRV)
1960s Lenticular Reentry Vehicle (LRV)
HALE-D Airship
2011 HALE-D Airship
Avro Canada VZ-9 Avrocar
1959 Avro Canada VZ-9 Avrocar

It's likely that at least some of the objects described as UFOs are experimental and top secret in nature.

Military Aircraft

Governments and militaries around the world spend considerable dollars developing concept and experimental aircraft and, understandably, go to great lengths to keep these projects secret. For instance, the latest American stealth bomber, the B-21 Raider, is estimated to cost $729 million per aircraft and almost all aspects of the program remain classified.

Lenticular Reentry Vehicle (LRV)
1960s Lenticular Reentry Vehicle (LRV)

In some cases, these aircraft closely resemble objects that the public has associated with UFOs. Since World War II, the public has eventually been made aware of aircraft designed by the military that resemble wings, discs, and saucers — sometimes decades after they were first tested.

UFO Patents & Other Advances

In 2019, Navy scientist, Dr. Salvatore Pais, secured patents for a compact fusion reactor, a force field to deflect asteroids, and craft that can navigate air, space, and water at extreme speed. Diagrams from these patents appear to show experimental research that is attempting to move beyond science fiction to science fact.

Northrop YB-49
1947 Northrop YB-49

Another interesting patent held by the U.S. Navy describes how lasers can be used to generate a plasma ball that acts as a decoy to homing missiles and other stealth detection equipment. Could technology developed around these patents be the source of some UFO sightings?


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