Intro to UFOs
7 of 10

Most UFOs Can Be Easily Explained, But...

Weather Balloon
Weather Balloons
Lenticular Clouds
Lenticular Clouds
SpaceX Starlink
2022 Starlink Satellites
SpaceX Falcon 9 Rocket
2022 Falcon 9 Rocket
SpaceX Falcon 9
2022 Falcon 9 Rocket

The vast majority of UFOs have a rather mundane explanation. Weather phenomena, balloons, satellites, space debris, falling meteorites, and various types of man-made aircraft are some of the common explanations behind UFOs. Still, some UFOs are difficult to make sense of and even the U.S. Government has acknowledged this.

Project Blue Book

The U.S. Air Force received over 12,000 reports of UFOs from 1947-1969. These were investigated and cataloged under the program Project Bluebook. An explanation was provided for most of the reported objects, sometimes controversially, however 701 remain unidentified (5%).

SpaceX Starlink
2022 Starlink Satellites

2021 National Intelligence Report

The report from the Unidentified Aerial Phenomena Task Force (UAPTF) examined incidents occurring from November 2004 to March 2021. 144 reports originated from U.S. Government sources. Of these, 80 reports involved observations with multiple sensors. For 18 incidents, observers reported unusual UAP movement patterns or flight characteristics.

Lenticular Clouds
Lenticular Clouds

2022 National Intelligence Report

Another 171 cases were included in the latest Pentagon report that "appear to have demonstrated unusual flight characteristics or performance capabilities, and require further analysis." The study of these objects continues.


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