Nagoya, Chubu, Japan UFO

At 02:00 p.m. on October 4, 1975, high school student Hirohito Tanaka became a witness to the unusual. He observed a small bell-shaped flying object making a descent, reminiscent of a graceful 'falling-leaf' dance. This intriguing craft left behind a trail of white vapor or exhaust as it soared through the skies. As it neared the ground, it stabilized, leveled off, and silently glided away horizontally until it vanished from sight. Hirohito acted swiftly, grabbing his camera and dashing to the balcony. There, he captured several compelling black and white photographs of the enigmatic vessel. The mystery deepened as the white trail drifted to the ground, revealing a delicate, spider-web-like filamentary substance that evaporated within minutes. The source of this substance appeared to be the upper section of the small ship.