Linden, New Jersey UFO

My wife and I were lucky enough to witness this UAP on a nice sunny summer day. This reminded me of the recent New York UfO footage that the passenger in the airplane was able to capture. My wife and I finished our workout and as we were walking to our car I noticed this small, black, cigar shaped structure that did not look normal. From where my wife and I saw this object (parking lot of powerhouse gym, linden New Jersey) I would say it was hovering between Bayonne and near Newark airport as you can see the planes flying by. These videos and pictures may not even do it justice, but when we saw this in person with our eyes, it was for sure not a helicopter, balloon, blimp, or even drone. It did not have wings, it did not move with the wind, it was near a flying zone, and it would ascended slowly in a straight angle. We watched it for 20 minutes before we needed to leave