Ted Stevens

Politician & Lawyer
Source: Wiki

One of the longest serving U.S. Senators allegedly witnessed Foo Fighter, UFO orbs as a pilot in WWII.

Born in Indianapolis, Indiana in 1923, Stevens served in World War II before becoming a lawyer and relocating to Alaska to practice.

Stevens began a political career in Alaska during the 1950s, and was appointed to the Senate in 1968 after the death of the previous senator, represented Alaska in the U.S. senate from 1968 until 2009. Throughout his political career, he was recognized for his advocacy for Alaska's interests and his support for initiatives promoting infrastructure development and energy production.

Over the years, he established himself as a highly skilled legislator with an astute ability to navigate complex political issues. Stevens faced criticism over his ties to lobbyists as well as his involvement in a 2008 corruption scandal that shook Alaska politics. Stevens passed away in a plane crash in Alaska in 2010 at the age of 86.

UFO Interest

Stevens was also known for his interest in UFOs and related phenomena, having had a personal encounter with an unidentified object while serving as a pilot during World War II. He spoke publicly about his fascination with UFOs in 1975, calling for greater transparency from the government on the issue. He even introduced legislation that would have compelled the government to disclose any information it had on UFO sightings and other related events. Majority Leader Harry Reid convinced both Senator Stevens and Democratic Senator Daniel Inouye from Hawaii to allocate funds for a UFO program from the Pentagon's budget.


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