Podcast UFO Live Shows

Podcast UFO is an interactive weekly audio/video podcast pertaining to UFOs and Unidentified Aerial Phenomena.
Shows are simulcast on YouTube, Facebook, KGRA Radio and on podcastufo.com on Tuesdays at 7:00PM ET (New York time) with the audio podcast episodes posted on the same evening. These podcasts can be listened to wherever you listen to and find podcasts. Interview topics include various aspects of the UFO experience, such as sightings and various close encounters. These unknown objects may be the biggest mystery never solved. Guests are noted personalities, scientists, sighting witnesses, ufology investigative researchers (UFOlogists), skeptics, authors of UFO books, movies/documentaries and people involved in all facets of the phenomenology. We highly encourage your interaction with guests through chat and screened calls in the last half hour. Your feedback is always welcome, keep your eyes to the sky!