Central Intelligence Agency

The Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), established in 1947, serves as the United States' primary foreign intelligence and covert operations agency. Throughout its history, the CIA has played a significant role in numerous international events, conducting intelligence gathering, analysis, and covert actions to advance U.S. national security and foreign policy objectives.
The Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) has a history of involvement with UFOs (Unidentified Flying Objects) dating back to the late 1940s and the early years of the Cold War.
Early involvement (1947-1950s)
Following the famous 1947 Roswell incident and a surge in UFO sightings, the CIA became interested in the phenomenon due to its potential implications for national security and foreign intelligence. They were concerned that the Soviet Union might use UFO sightings to create panic or exploit them for psychological warfare purposes.
The Robertson Panel (1953)
The CIA convened a group of scientists, known as the Robertson Panel, to assess the national security implications of UFO sightings. The panel concluded that UFOs did not pose a direct threat but recommended increased public education and debunking efforts to reduce public interest and prevent the overloading of intelligence channels with UFO reports. These debunking efforts spanned decades and included leveraging mainstream media and entertainment channels.
Paranormal Phenomena Research
The CIA has been involved in research and experimentation on paranormal phenomena, including remote viewing and other psychic abilities, primarily during the Cold War. This interest was driven by concerns about national security and the possibility that the Soviet Union was also investigating such phenomena for military and intelligence purposes.
- Project MK-Ultra (1953-1973): While primarily focused on mind control, chemical interrogation, and behavioral modification, some aspects of Project MK-Ultra also delved into paranormal phenomena, including telepathy and other psychic abilities. This highly controversial and secretive program involved numerous experiments on unwitting subjects and has been the subject of much public scrutiny and criticism.
- Project SCANATE (1970s): Project SCANATE was an early remote viewing program that aimed to determine if individuals could acquire information about remote or hidden targets using only their minds. The program was initiated following reports of similar psychic research being conducted in the Soviet Union.
- Stargate Project (1978-1995): Building on earlier remote viewing research, the Stargate Project was a joint effort by the CIA, the Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA), and other U.S. government agencies to explore the potential military and intelligence applications of psychic abilities. The program involved numerous remote viewing experiments and included the participation of several well-known psychics, such as Ingo Swann and Pat Price. The project was eventually terminated in 1995 due to a lack of reliable and actionable intelligence, as well as concerns about the program's cost-effectiveness.
Monitoring UFO sightings
Over the years, the CIA has monitored UFO sightings and encounters both domestically and internationally, often in collaboration with other U.S. government agencies, such as the Air Force. They have collected and analyzed reports from various sources, including military personnel, intelligence officers, and civilian witnesses. It's allegedly that the CIA has been involved in crash retrieval programs across the globe.
Declassification of UFO documents
In recent years, the CIA has declassified and released numerous documents related to UFOs, in response to Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) requests and public interest. These documents include internal memos, reports, and analyses, providing insight into the CIA's historical involvement with the UFO phenomenon.