Newhouse UFO Tremonton Utah
This 16mm film of 12-14 bright objects in the sky above Utah, shot by Navy photographer Delbert C. Newhouse, stirred considerable interest from government investigators at Project Blue Book. According to Newhouse, the Air Force took possession of the film and returned a poor quality copy with less than half of the footage intact.
On July 2, 1952, Navy photographer Delbert C. Newhouse and his family witnessed a strange group of bright objects that moved in elliptical patterns on a clear, sunny day. Delbert's official statement to Project Blue Book read:
"Driving from Washington, D.C. to Portland, Ore., on the morning of 2 July, my wife noticed a group of objects in the sky that she could not identify. She asked me to stop the car and look. There was a group of about ten or twelve objects - that bore no relation to anything I had seen before - milling about in a rough formation and proceeding in a westerly direction. I opened the luggage compartment of the car and got my camera out of a suitcase. Loading it hurriedly, I exposed approximately thirty feet of film. There was no reference point in the sky and it was impossible for me to make any estimate of speed, size, altitude or distance. Toward the end, one of the objects reversed course and proceeded away from the main group. I held the camera still and allowed this single one to cross the field of view, picking it up again and repeating for three or four such passes. By this time all of the objects had disappeared. I expended the balance of the film late that afternoon on a mountain somewhere in Idaho (See Plate 31)."
The objects were described as being shaped like two inverted plates placed on top of each other - i.e. saucer-shaped - and "gunmetal-colored."
The U.S. Navy and Air Force reportedly took possession of the film and studied it. In a letter dated 5/29/1999, Newhouse wrote, "The air force never returned my original film - I got only a poor quality print back from them and it was of less than half the film I sent them - D Newhouse."