Salvatore Pais

Aerospace Engineer & Inventor
Source: Wiki

Aerospace engineer and inventor who has several patents that, if they work, could provide almost infinite amounts of energy.

Salvatore Pais, and aerospace engineer, received his Bachelors, Masters, and Ph.D. from Case Western Reserve University. He worked for NASA as a Research Fellow and for the Naval Air Warfare Center Aircraft Division Station (NAWCAD) before joining the United States Space Force. Dr. Pais received multiple patents that would revolutionize energy as we know it if they become feasible.

The inventions, whose capabilities have yet to be created or proven possible, supposed that a near unlimited amount of clean energy could be produced by tapping into electromagnetic energy field. Other patents included a "spacetime modification weapon," and a vehicle that would be able to equally speed through water, air, and space. These ideas generally incorporate what was dubbed "The Pais Effect," the harnessing of electromagnetic fields to create fusion reactions.

A number of people believed that these patents may be part of a government led misinformation campaign to deceive United States's adversaries. Others speculated aircraft tests incorporating these technologies could account for the Naval sightings that were released to the public in 2020.


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