Martin Willis

Martin Willis is popular UFO researcher and podcaster. He began Podcast UFO in 2011 and conducts interviews with leaders in the UFO field every Tuesday at 7 PM ET.
The subject of UFOs has fascinated Martin Willis since his youth, yet he was on the fence about the subject. He experienced a personal sighting in 2007 in Carmel Valley, CA, that solidified his beliefs that Unidentifiable Flying Objects really do exist. Since this time, Martin has paid attention to what others have to say about the phenomenon with some skepticism, yet an open mind. Pondering what UFOs may actually be, pushed his interest to another level. Martin thinks we may never find out what UFOs/UAP are, but it is the most important and exciting puzzle yet to solve. Martin has an interest in astronomy, feels we are not alone and always maintained a strong scientific fascination of our vast universe. As a UFO enthusiast, Martin created Podcast UFO in November, 2011 with over 500 show interviews. Martin was the keynote speaker at the Pine Bush, UFO Conference in 2022. Martin is a long time professional antique & fine art appraiser. Martin began podcasting on antiques, auctions and art in 2009.