Letter and drawing by Arnold to Air Force Intelligence

Page 9 of a detailed letter submitted by Kenneth Arnold to the Air Force Intelligence. Full text of this page reads as follows:
Page 9
I have received lots of requests from people who told me to make a lot of wild guesses. I have based what I have written here in the article on positive facts and as far as guessing what it was I observed, it is just as much a mystery to me as it is to the rest of the world.
My pilot's license is 333487. I fly a Callair airplane; it is a three-place single engine land ship that is designed and manufactured at Afton, Wyoming as an extremely high performance, high altitude airplane that was made for mountain work. The national certificate of my plane is 33355.
Kenneth Arnold
Box 587
Boise, Idaho
traveling this way →
[sketch 1]
they seemed longer than wide their thickness was about 1/20th of their width
[sketch 2]
side view
traveling this way →
Mirror Bright
They did not appear to me to whirl or spin but seemed in fixed position traveling as I have made drawing.
Kenneth Arnold