William Brenton Nash

Pilot for Pan American World Airways witnessed eight UFOs with co-pilot, William H. Fortenberry, while flying over the Chesapeake Bay in 1952.
William B. Nash had been a pilot with the Navy in World War II and was a veteran with 20,000 flying hours on the night he witnessed eight UFOs. While flying for Pan American World Airways on July 14, 1952 and over the Chesapeake Bay, First Officer Nash and co-pilot, Second Officer William H. Fortenberry, spotted six bright lights moving at incredible speeds below them in an echelon formation, a diagonal straight line. The unidentified crafts drastically changed directions and were met by two more flying objects. All eight objects accelerated to higher altitudes before disappearing from view. Nash said that they had excellent visibility, and both pilots estimated the entire sequence of events to last around 10 to 12 seconds.
The U.S. Air Force interviewed the pilots the following day. As reported by Nash, "Giving consideration to the difference in our altitude and theirs we judged they were approximately 100 feet in diameter and between 10 and 15 feet thick. As they neared us they appeared to be solid bodies of light, but they had definite outlines." He continued, "If either of us had seen the things alone, we would have hesitated to tell anyone about it, but we watched the whole thing together." Project Blue Book later classified this event as "unknown."