Steven M. Greer

Ufologist & Former Physician
Source: Wiki

Ufologist and founder of CSETI, the Center for the Study of Extraterrestrial Intelligence as well as the Disclosure Project.

Dr. Steven Macon Greer claimed to have witnessed two UFOs in his lifetime, one as a child and one as a 35 year old. These instances sparked his interest in ufology. After completing school and receiving his medical license, he retired as an emergency room physician to focus his time on UAPs. Greer founded CSETI, the Center for the Study of Extraterrestrial Intelligence in 1990 hoping to contact extraterrestrials. Three years later, he founded the Disclosure Project with a goal to publicize the government's knowledge regarding extraterrestrial life and protect government whistleblowers. Greer produced and starred in multiple documentaries and wrote five books related to UFOs.


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TicTacTardigrade Verified
1 year ago » Keeping it light
Steven Greer gets a lot of flack but also a lot of support and regardless of what he may or may not know he brings an interesting narrative to the stage and gets people thinking. We need to ... Moreconsider all possibilities.

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