Robert Jacobs

Former USAF lieutenant asserted that he saw video footage of a UFO shoot laser beams to dismantle a dummy nuclear warhead in 1964.
In 1964, Robert Jacobs was a lieutenant for the US Air Force. He was in charge of a unit that photographed and videotaped ballistic missile tests. According to Jacobs, his team set up a new long-range video camera in Big Sur, California and recorded a dummy warhead for a government project.
Some days later, Jacobs was brought in to meet with other officials and asked if his team had messed with the footage. Jacobs was confused. Then he asserted that he was shown a recording in which a UFO flew into the screen, shot four different laser beams at the nuclear missile making it inoperable, and flew back off the screen. Jacobs claimed that he was then ordered to never mention the incident again.