Ernesto Michahelles

In 1954, inspired by the Florence sightings, he founded a scientific association to study UFOS called C.I.R.N.O.S. (Centro Indipendente Notizie Osservazioni Spaziali – Independent Centre for the Recording of Space Information).
Ernesto Michahelles, better known as Thayaht, became a famous Italian painter, sculptor, illustrator and fashion designer. Later in his life, after WWII, he developed an interest in UFOs. The UFO phenomenon in Florence inspired Thayaht to found the C.I.R.N.O.S. (Centro Indipendente Notizie Osservazioni Spaziali – Independent Centre for the Recording of Space Information) in hopes of providing proof of UFOs. He created a registration form for witnesses of UFO sightings to be able to record the events.
After the Florence sightings ,Thayaht wrote a first report in 1955 on 82 locations within Italy with a total of 120 documented sightings. Three years later, a second more detailed report followed the first one.
Michahellas believed that UFOs traveled along patterns of straight lines that aligned with large circles on Earth. His theory was called orthoténie. He also held to the ideas of the "psi" and "sigma" effects related to UFO sightings.