UFOs & Nukes: Extraordinary Encounters at Nuclear Weapons

By Robert L. Hastings
UFOs & Nukes: Extraordinary Encounters at Nuclear Weapons

Explored cases of UFO sightings and incursions at nuclear weapon facilities, suggesting that extraterrestrial beings may have an interest in nuclear technology.

"UFOs & Nukes: Extraordinary Encounters at Nuclear Weapons Sites", by Robert L. Hastings, documented over 150 cases of UFO sightings and incursions at nuclear weapon facilities. The book drew on declassified government documents, military witness testimonies, and media reports to present a compelling argument that UFOs had an interest in nuclear technology.

Hastings provided detailed accounts of UFO sightings at various nuclear weapon facilities across the globe, including incidents in the United States, Russia, and England. Hastings argued that these incidents were evidence of extraterrestrial involvement and suggested that UFOs may have been monitoring and possibly tampering with nuclear weapons.

Hastings also explored the possible implications of these sightings and incursions, including the potential danger to national security and the possibility of a UFO-related nuclear incident. The book received praise for its thorough research and compelling evidence and has been cited by many UFO researchers as a key work in the field.

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