Changed in a Flash: One Woman's Near-Death Experience and Why a Scholar Thinks It Empowers Us All

By Elizabeth Krohn
Changed in a Flash: One Woman's Near-Death Experience and Why a Scholar Thinks It Empowers Us All

Captivating book that explored how a near-death experience empowered one woman to embrace a new outlook on life.

In "Changed in a Flash: One Woman's Near-Death Experience and Why a Scholar Thinks It Empowers Us All", author Elizabeth Krohn shared her personal story of a near-death experience and the transformative impact it had on her life. The book chronicled her sudden cardiac arrest, from a lightning strike, and subsequent near-death experience, which led her to develop a deeper connection with spirituality and a greater appreciation for life. Krohn's journey showed the resilience of the human spirit and the transformative power of near-death experiences. The book offered insights and inspiration for readers seeking to find meaning and purpose in their own lives.

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